Tuesday, December 22, 2009


sewer grate - I think it's quite pretty but the girls had a giggle when I took this picture.

H1N1 warning sign - don't hug and kiss hello

Shop fronts near the fabric souk

Directions for tourists at the musuem complex. No pics allowed in the buildings but I'll add some exterior shots soon.

Restaurant? Car Dealership? I don't know - but it's pretty!

You could win a million dinars!

The fabric souk entrance. So many people make their own clothes here, fabric is in high demand. Pictures of the fabric souk will follow shortly.

School sign. I toured this school and will add a post on that soon.

At the mall there is a prayer hall next to a wash room and the restroom. When the call to prayer comes five times a day, it is necessary to have space to do it in if you're not at home. The wash room is for cleaning your feet and hands before prayer (ablutions), the bathrooms are nice and clean and the prayer room, as with all prayer rooms, requires you to remove your shoes before entering.

Yes, they actually will walk out to your car to serve you here. I am so sad this is what America is sharing with this country.

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