Monday, December 21, 2009

Fruits Not Found in Virginia

see comments for names/descriptions/etc

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  1. Pic 1: The Longan (or lungan) fruit - aka dragon's eye is in the lychee family. The picture has it both peeled, unpeeled and the leftover pit. Tastes like a lychee.
    Pics 2 & 4: The Rambutan - hairy outside, smooth egg-shaped inside - similar taste to longan-berry with an almond-shaped pit
    Pic 3: Two varieties of the 15 kinds of banana available here. Small = very sweet, red = soft and rich (good baby food)

  2. We've also had fresh papaya, mango, Mangosteen (yummy!), snake fruit (creepy and scaly) and more that we didn't have occasion to photograph.
